failover wiki
failover wiki

Failoverisafailuremodewhere,ifahardwareorsoftwarefailureisdetected,thesystemautomaticallytransfersprocessingtoahot ...,Afailoverisamethodofprotectingcomputersystemsfromfailure,inwhichstandbyequipmentautomaticallytakesoverwhenthemainsystem ...,Fai...

RUT241 Failover

TheFailoverfunctionallowsyoutobackupyourprimaryWANconnectionincaseitgoesdown.Inordertosetpriorities,simplypressleftmouseclickonthe ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


Failover is a failure mode where, if a hardware or software failure is detected, the system automatically transfers processing to a hot ...


A failover is a method of protecting computer systems from failure, in which standby equipment automatically takes over when the main system ...


Failback is the process of restoring a system, component, or service previously in a state of failure back to its original, working state, and having the ...


failover (countable and uncountable, plural failovers). (computing) An automatic switch to a secondary system on failure of the primary system, such as a ...

RUT906 Failover

Multiwan. The Failover function allows you to backup your primary WAN connection in case it goes down. In order to set priorities, simply press left mouse click ...

RUT241 Failover

The Failover function allows you to backup your primary WAN connection in case it goes down. In order to set priorities, simply press left mouse click on the ...

Failover [DDS Foundation Wiki]

The main purpose of **Failover* is to eliminate, or at least reduce, the impact on users when a system failure occurs. Source: Failover.

What is Failover? - Definition from SearchStorage

Failover is a backup operational mode in which the functions of a system component are assumed by a secondary component when the primary becomes unavailable.


在計算機術語中,故障轉移(英語:failover),即當活動的服務或應用意外終止時,快速啟用冗餘或備用的伺服器、系統、硬體或者網絡接替它們工作。 故障轉移(failover)與交換 ...

failover - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典

[正:自由軟體]容錯移轉; [简:自由软体]【动】失效后资源备份; 正體: 失效切換[電子計算機]. TongcyBot最後編輯於4年前. 語言. 不转换 · 简体 · 繁體.


Failoverisafailuremodewhere,ifahardwareorsoftwarefailureisdetected,thesystemautomaticallytransfersprocessingtoahot ...,Afailoverisamethodofprotectingcomputersystemsfromfailure,inwhichstandbyequipmentautomaticallytakesoverwhenthemainsystem ...,Failbackistheprocessofrestoringasystem,component,orservicepreviouslyinastateoffailurebacktoitsoriginal,workingstate,andhavingthe ...,failover(countablean...